See DIYSchema for transmitter
Build Your Own Mini FM Transmitter
Our other networks for everyone booklet “Build Your Own Mini FM Transmitter” has been printed and we will be sending out hard copies to those who requested them very soon! If you were unable to request a physical copy, you can view or download the PDF here:
The company that produce transmitters (Camel Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. in china)
Maybe cheaper here
Radial by
87-107 MHz FM (UKW) / VHF (UN)stable b/w TV emission DATA input / Antenna out / Ceramic dental / USB powered / 4V-12V block/ send / receive / attack / resist / decay
1 Electromagnetic spectrum - general considerations
2 Harvesting frequencies
3 Graz Frequency Fine Selection
4 NATO frequencies
A timeline of the radiospectrum
Frequencies and utilisations in the US
An atlas of the EM spectrum seems buggy on linux
153 MHz : BTP Company in Orléans
123.875 MHz (Atterrissage) / 127.75 MHz (Décollage) : Orly Frequencies in AM (see others)
1090 MHz (untested) : ADSB : metadata of plane. rtl-sdr example
1.57542 GHz (L1 signal) and 1.2276 GHz (L2 signal) [GPS satellites broadcast at the same two frequencies](
900 - 1800 - 2100 MHz : [Les allocations de spectre en France](, dans les fréquences GSM et UMTS, aux différents opérateurs
220.103 Mhz : Gra, high-pitched bip (also on 259.216, also on 311.893, 412.418, 435.722, 440.15 and around, 653.680)
250.986 Mhz : Graz, music (also on 392.955, 571.883 - select 500k filter)
331.147 Mhz : Graz, low-pitch bip + noise
16.700 Mhz : Graz unexpected slalom
The List. Mode is USB unless otherwise noted:
Freq (kHz) Comment
------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
1476 Broadcast Radio B92 (Beograd-Wien Tx site)
2962 Military
3081 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
3097.5 Unid Military; NATO Freq
3160 USAF 352 SOG (consisting of elements of 7 Special
Operations Squadron, 21 SOS and 67 SOS) in Bosnia;
callsigns BLACK CAT and PROMENADE reported)
3178 USAF EC-130E Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push Unknown
(Moonbeam Ops)
3225 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
3357 Meteo; US Navy
3840.51 Royal Air Force, London; VFT, 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
eng ch "MUH 04 de MKK lolololololo pal kkilo"
3840.91 Royal Air Force, London; VFT: 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
crypto tfc
3900 NATO E-3 AWACS callsign MAGIC
3930 Air Traffic around Camp Darby & Pisa
4519 USAF EC-130 Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 78A
(Moonbeam Ops)
4542 NATO E-3 AWACS callsign MAGIC
4612 METO-IFOR in Bosnia
4720 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
4724 US Military GHFS/USAF Global HF System Primary
4742 Royal Air Force Strike Command Integrated
Communication System Primary
4758 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
4777.50 NATO Freq
5194 Russian Navy, 50bd/85 36-50
5218 USAF EC-130E Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 79B
(Moonbeam Ops)
5245 Unid Military
5267 NATO Freq
5325 Unid Military
5330.50 NATO warships in Adriatic in USB
5349 NATO Training Net; Channel 661 GOLF
5691 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
5763.50 USAF EC-130 Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 80V
(Moonbeam Ops)
6115 Broadcast; Radio Tirana
6628 Unid Military
6693 USN Voice Coordination Net
6693 Unid Military
6695 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
6697 USN
6712 USAF Global HF System Primary; also French Air Force
and RAF
6723 Link-11 Co-ordination Net for Allied warships in the Adriatic;
monitors in Holland heard references to possible downed
NATO aircraft.
6728 NATO E-3 AWACS Co-ordination Net
6729 Night Freq [6728 is a Mystic Star freq; 6730 is a
RAF discrete freq; take your pick which was heard here]
6734 Serb Military [interesting since 6734 is also a RAF/UKADGE
(United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment) frequency;
I wonder if this ties in with the Serbian
jamming/interference on 11175, reported by monitors
in Europe and the USA]
6738 Night Freq [GHFS and other Air Forces again]
6739 US Military GHFS/USAF Global HF System Primary:
RAF aircraft (callsign prefix JGN) logged in
checks with ARCHITECT (Strike Command Integrated
Communication System - STCICS)
6754 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
6760 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
6761 Night Freq [GHFS]; also USAF Air Refueling Primary HF
6762.50 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
6773 Unid Military
6819 METO-IFOR in Bosnia
6865 USAF EC-130E Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 81A
(Moonbeam Ops)
6870 METO-IFOR in Bosnia
6912 French Air Force
6932.50 USAF EC-130E Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 81B
(Moonbeam Ops)
6959 Air Traffic around Camp Darby & Pisa
6997 Italian Navy warships Adriatic
7115 Broadcast, Radio Yugoslavia
7115 Broadcast, Radio Sweden
7125 Broadcast, Voice of Russia
7130 Broadcast, Radio Yugoslavia
7160 Broadcast, Radio Tirana
7180 Broadcast, Voice of Russia
7195 Broadcast, Radio Bulgaria
7250 Broadcast, Voice of Russia
7701.51 Royal Air Force, VFT: 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
eng ch"MUH 45 de MKD RIs RBQPZ, RBQPY"
7701.91 Royal Air Force, VFT: 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
crypto tfc for exercise net;
7916.52 Royal Air Force, VFT: 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
eng ch "GYU de MKD QSY to FT065 M8Y kkilo"
7916.92 Royal Air Force, VFT: 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
crypto tfc;
7919 METO-IFOR in Bosnia
7960 Royal Air Force; DCN 8 channels interleaved
VFT on USB. Only channel 2 active.
7960.77 Royal Air Force; ITA2 75Bd 340Hz shift; Channel 2 in
VFT. "IRY's QBF figs test de MKD"
Note the use of 75 not 50bd
8046 USAF EC-130 Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 81V
(Moonbeam Ops)
8048 Unid Military
8080 Meteo;US Navy
8087 USAF EC-130 Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push Unknown
(Moonbeam Ops)
8825 Unid Military
8921 Unid Military
8968 Unid Military
8968 GHFS
8971 USN/RAF discrete frequency; NATO E-3 AWACS
frequency callsign MAGIC; NATO Kosovo
8980 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
8982 USN Voice Co-ordination Net
8986.50 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
8987 Royal Air Force, TAF WX for EG-series airfields
8989 Unid Military
8992 USAF Global HF System Primary
9016 GHFS
9023 USAF MYSTIC STAR freq active
9037 USN
9118.50 USAF EC-130E Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 82A
(Moonbeam Ops)
9130 Royal Navy, Faslane; ITA2 75Bd 850Hz shift; CARB
9190.51 Royal Air Force; VFT: 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
eng ch "MKD de MUH 45 have sync now pal"
9191.31 Royal Air Force; VFT: 2 channels of Piccolo-6,
crypto tfc;
9260 USAF EC-130E Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 82B
(Moonbeam Ops)
9269 Unid Military
9570 Broadcast, Radio Bulgaria
9620 Unid Military
9650 Broadcast; Radio Tirana
9925 Broadcast; Radio Croatia
10199.34 Royal Air Force, London; VFT: 7 channels of 50bd/200
Baudot, "ryiryi... test de MKK"
10315 NATO Naval Air Net, also NATO E-3 AWACS freq callsign MAGIC
10780 Airlift
10865 Meteo; US Navy
10915 NATO/SFOR supply airlift Primary HF inter-aircraft
frequency; callsigns beginning with JG; see list following
with national identifiers.
11031.52 Royal Air Force; VFT: 3 channels of Piccolo-6,
eng ch idle;
11031.92 Royal Air Force; VFT: 3 channels of Piccolo-6, crypto tfc;
11032.32 Royal Air Force; VFT: 3 channels of Piccolo-6, crypto tfc;
11167 Airlift Command Transport
11173 USAF EC-130E Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push 83A
(Moonbeam Ops)
11175 US Military GHFS Primary, also NATO Kosovo Primary Freq
11228 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
11230 Air Traffic Heard [this and the following freq are within
1kHz of active USAF discrete frequencies]
11233 Air Traffic Heard
11239 Air Traffic heard; callsign DUMBO BRAVO;
[DUMBO = USAF Daily Tac Callsign; this freq part
of OLD GHFS net ... not unusual to see old
discrete freqs reactivate].
11243 Royal Air Force;Gibraltar FlightWatch giving aviation
weather for Italian Military airfields
11244 GHFS
11245 Air Traffic around Camp Darby & Pisa
11267 Navy High Command Voice Freqs [whose Navy
not mentioned by monitor; 11268 is a USN discrete freq]
11270.50 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
11270 NATO aircraft
11271 USAF and RCAF Military Air frequency active
11300 Serbian Air Force Fighters
11309 Unid Military Sigs
11370 Unid Military Air Traffic Control
11415 Broadcast; Radio B92 in USB
11830 Broadcast, Radio Bulgaria
12000 Broadcast, Voice of Russia
12020 Broadcast, Voice of Russia
12110 Press; ROMPRES News, Bucharest; 50bd/500 Baudot
12145 Royal Air Force, London; VFT; DCN 8 channel interleaved
VFT on USB. Channels idle.
12919.30 Royal Navy, Faslane; VFT; 4 channel VFT on USB.
12919.90 Royal Navy, Faslane; 100Bd crypto 200Hz shift;
Channel 1. Online encrypted.
12920.41 Royal Navy, Faslane; 75Bd crypto 85Hz shift;
Channel 2. Blocked Online encrypted ACF 7 bit.
12921.09 Royal Navy, Faslane; ITA2 75Bd 340Hz shift;
Channel 3 in VFT. CARB with ID MGJ.
12921.85 Royal Navy, Faslane; 100Bd crypto 850Hz shift;
Chan 4 in VFT. Online encrypted.
13200 USAF Global HF System Primary
13354 Unid military traffic
13430.52 Royal Air Force; VFT: 3 channels of Piccolo-6,
eng ch "MUH de MKD ZUB 1312z lololololo"
13430.92 Royal Air Force; VFT: 3 channels of Piccolo-6,
crypto tfc
13431.32 Royal Air Force; VFT: 3 channels of Piccolo-6,
crypto tfc
13458 RAVEN Ops at Frankfurt/Rhein-Main AB Germany
communicating with KC-135/KC-10 tanker force.
13580.51 Royal Air Force, London; Piccolo; VFT with
single idle channel on USB
13580.51 Royal Air Force, London; Piccolo; Eng channel idle till
0200z when "MTS de MKK ZUB 0200z lo pal plse QSY
to F6 F6 F6 KKKK 0202z"
13820 Broadcast; Radio Croatia
14593.51 Royal Air Force; Piccolo-6, "de MTS plse to QSY to the
F61 F61 F61 mate k ZUB 1108z"
14599 Royal Air Force; VFT; 8 channel interleaved DCN
VFT on USB. Only channel 2 active.
14599.70 Royal Air Force; ITA2 50 Bd 340Hz shift; Channel 2
in cft. RYIs QBF's, Figures and "test de MKD".
14708.52 Royal Air Force Piccolo-6, "de MKK rgrgrgrg
M8 kkilo"
15016 USAF Global HF System Primary
15048 USAF EC-130 Battlestaff BOOKSHELF Net Push Unknown
(Moonbeam Ops)
15050 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
15595 Broadcast; Voice of Russia
15959 Meteo; US Navy
16424.40 Unid Military
16442.40 Naval Air Voice Coordination Hotel Tracking Net
16442.40 NATO warships in Adriatic in USB
16444 NATO Kosovo
17967 Unid Military
17996.50 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
18422.02 Royal Air Force; Piccolo-6, "ryryryryr GEC de
MTS QSY F3401 m8y cip cip cip"
20015 Meteo; US Navy
23214 NATO E-3 AWACS frequency callsign MAGIC
25012.30 Royal Navy Faslane; RTTY
JAKE callsign are E-8C JSTARS aircraft deployed to Frankfurt/Rhein-Main
AB Germany in support of Kosovo Ops.
JG_ Callsigns involved in NATO/SFOR Airlift (Note that USAF crews are
habitually using the phonetic "JAGO"):
Callsign Air Force
-------- ----------------------------------------------
JGA Belgian AF
JGB Canadian Armed Forces
JGD French AF
JGE German AF
JGF Greek AF
JGG Italian AF
JGI Dutch AF
JGK Portuguese AF
JGL Spanish AF
JGO USAF Recording of two JAGO aircraft in
communication over the Adriatic
JGP Turkish AF
JGW Slovenian AF
Callsign MARK has been identified as USAF tankers flying out of RAF
Mildenhall in support of Kosovo Ops.