∏-Node is now integrated in MinitelSE, the network of minitels initated by the Internet of Dead Things Institute (Benjamin Gaulon and Jérôme Saint Clair).
From the MinitelSE Kiosk, you can listen to ∏-node radio in 3. audiovisuel, 1. radio 2. PiNode
or chat on p-node irc using the chat client in 1. communications, 2. chat.
How to :
To listen or chat on ∏node with a minitel you need :
Download the image and flash it on a sd card : https://p-node.org/tmp/Minitel/MinitelSE.tar.xz
Plug all cables, but let the raspberry unplugged from the power.
Start the Minitel
Press the following key combination on the Minitel :
Build your Minitel from scratch, see the instructions.
Restart minitel service if you opt out
$ /home/iodt/kiosque.sh
exit irssi